13 Recipes to Cook with Friends: Fun & Delicious

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There’s a large variety of recipes you can cook with your friends over a sunday dinner or a summer cookout.

Most of these are dishes that include a variety of different toppings such as pizza, burgers and enchiladas.

You can also opt for a more classic dish like fondue where you get to choose the types of cheeses and dippers.

And these are just a few of the many recipe ideas you can make with your friends.

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13 Recipes to Cook with Friends

1. Peach Cookies

a couple of peach cookies scattered on a clean white surface

These peach cookies are a great way to spend some quality time with your friends and enjoy a sweet treat together.

And since a single batch yields about 40 cookies, everyone can take part in assembling them.

The cookies are also easily customizable as you can choose different types of jam for the filling.

Get the recipe: The Best Peach Cookies

2. Artisan Pizza

Pizza is one of the best dishes you can prepare with a group of friends. Each of you can participate in making the dough and then choose your own personalized toppings.

You can also use different types of sauces and spices to create your very own unique pizza flavor.

And this artisan pizza dough is perfect for the occasion. It has a light airy texture and a perfectly chewy crust.

Check recipe at: With Spice

3. Russian Style Ravioli (Pelmeni)

Russian style ravioli or pelmeni are dumplings which are usually filled with ground pork and spices.

However, you can customize the filling to your own taste by adding veggies or another type of meat.

Making pelmeni from scratch can be a bit time consuming since it requires you to knead each piece by hand.

Coincidentally, this is what makes this recipe so great to make with a bunch of friends.

Check recipe at: Veronika’s Kitchen

4. Chicken Wraps

Chicken wraps are super easy to make and customize which makes them ideal for get togethers.

You can make them with a variety of different toppings such as bacon, cheddar, tomatoes and green onions.

You can also experiment by adding different sauces and condiments like mild buffalo sauce.

Check recipe at: A Flavor Journal

5. Jacket Potatoes

Jacket potatoes are a good place to start if you’re not confident in your cooking skills.

They’re pretty much a fool proof recipe that you can’t mess up. In addition, you can make them using different topping ideas.

I personally like making mine with loads of mushrooms and bacon. You can also add a bunch of baked beans or a mixture of veggies and cheese.

Check recipe at: The Kitchn

6. Enchiladas

The customizable nature of enchiladas makes them well suited for a dinner party at home.

You can make them with tender chicken breasts, juicy ground beef or a spicy ground turkey.

The types of cheese and sauces you can add are also open for you to choose.

Check recipe at: Kristine’s Kitchen Blog

7. Authentic Italian Meatballs

There’s arguably a better way to bond with your friends than making authentic Italian meatballs.

You can make the meatballs and sauce together or individually where one takes care of the sauce while the rest assemble the meatballs.

You can also alter this recipe a bit by skewering the meatballs and cooking them over the grill.

Check recipe at: Family Style Food

8. Sushi

Sushi is one of my go to meals I like to cook whenever I’m having friends over.

There are a ton of different ways you can prepare it and everyone gets to choose what type of fish and veggies to include.

Sure, sushi does require some skill to pull off, but you can easily get the hang of it when you’re making it with your friends.

Check recipe at: Bite My Bun

9. Crack Burgers

Burgers are perfect for anyone who’s looking for a simple meal that can be made at a cookout.

They offer you an abundance of options for customization so everyone can tailor their burger to their preference.

This includes choosing your patty, toppings, condiments and of course the type of bun.

Check recipe at: A MindFull Mom

10. Sheet Pan Nachos

Nachos are probably one of the easiest meals you can cook with your friends. All you need is some tortilla chips and a bunch of different toppings, cheeses and spices.

You can make them using ground beef, ground turkey or skip the meat entirely and opt for a vegetarian option.

It’s an overall simple meal you can’t go wrong with.

Check recipe at: Damn Delicious

11. Homemade Gnocchi

If you haven’t tried making gnocchi with someone else, then I highly recommend you give it a shot.

Making gnocchi is a time consuming process and having a helping hand certainly speeds things up.

Plus, at the end you’ll get to enjoy the fruits of your labor together.

Check recipe at: Will Cook for Smiles

12. Quesadillas

Similarly to enchiladas and chicken wraps, quesadillas offer you a lot of versatility when it comes to toppings.

You can make them with chicken, veggies and cheese as in this recipe or you can skip the chicken altogether and go for a vegetarian alternative instead.

You can even add some mandarin oranges or pineapple if you’re feeling adventurous enough.

Check recipe at: Joy Food Sunshine

13. Fondue

Fondue is an all time classic when it comes to foods that you can make with your friends.

It’s super easy to make and is also easily customizable at the same time. You can make it the classic way using a variety of cheeses or use melted chocolate and fresh berries instead.

Naturally, you can also use a variety of different dippers regardless of the type of fondue you’re making.

Check recipe at: Well Plated

Final thoughts

Cooking a shared meal with your friends is a great way to bond together over an activity you enjoy.

And fortunately there are plenty of dishes that can be customized so they fit everyone’s own preferences.

Pizza is one of the most obvious choices you can go with, but you can also make burgers, nachos and enchiladas with the same success.

Feel free to drop down a comment if you found any of the recipes on this list helpful.

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